Thursday, July 26, 2012


Recently, my granddaughter, Kiira, joined me on a "turtle walk" early one morning while she was staying with us.  You can see by the photo included in this post that while we didn't see any "hatchlings" left over from the previous night's hatchings, we did find plenty of evidence that at least 59 hatchlings crawled from their nest to the ocean from one nest, and another 32 tracks near the water line indicated that most of another nest that hatched overnight also made it to the ocean.  We'll have to get out again next week to see if we can see any "stray" hatchlings as they make their way to the ocean.

So, what's with the photo orientation?  We'll have to ask the website developers why they don't have a convenient way to manipulate the photo clockwise and counterclockwise on the site - especially when the photo was correctly oriented when it was uploaded.  In any case, you get the idea.  See the hatchlings' tracks that Kiira is pointing out to the camera?  She spotted those tracks before I did.  Sharp eyes - and sharp granddaughter!

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