It's a wrap! Yes, as far as our stretch of beach is concerned, the 2009 sea turtle nesting season is over. Final results (see map) show that we ended up with a total of 51 nests for the season - 48 Loggerhead nests and 3 Leatherback nests. Of those 51 nests, 41 hatched (green tags) and 10 were destroyed by wave or storm action (blue tags)

. The last one to hatch, by or records, was TC731 - a Loggerhead nest laid on July 31, 2009. It started to "hatch" on September 21. For comparison, we had 83 nests total during the 2008 nesting season, with 23 destroyed by storms and only 50 hatching. As a result, even though we started out the season with 32 fewer nests (51 vs. 83), only 9 fewer nests (41) actually survived to hatch this year than was the number that hatched last year (50).
It was a very interesting season and we'll hope that a high percentage of those hatchlings actually survive to adulthood and come back to visit our beaches in 20-30 years to lay new nests. Here's to the survival of our wonderful sea-faring friends!